Monday, July 31, 2006

Verizon: We'll Suck You in with Promises of an Unlimited Wireless Broadband Plan, then Shut You Down if You Exceed Our Arbitrary Limits

This is a few days old, but I saw it last night on jkOnTheRun, and it definitely bears repeating. It seems Verizon will cancel your "unlimited" wireless broadband account if you use it as any reasonable user would. Consumer Affairs found this out the hard way (without even trying), and when they inquired, were told they had used the service too much. Interestingly enough, CA used Verizon's own tools to check their usage, and what they found did not agree with Verizon's claims. Verizon's actions are even more inexplicable when it's known that another account, which Consumer Affairs reported was used much more extensively, remained unmolested by the wireless provider. Put Verizon's terms and conditions under the electron microscope (no regular scope is strong enough), and other limitations can be discovered.

I wish I could say I was surprised, but there are reasons why I will not deal with Verizon, and some of them have to do with what I and others experienced when the V did a brief stint as the land line provider for my area. Add to my reasons the fact that at least one Verizon executive thinks we consumers are stupid for expecting our cell phones to work in our homes. And, truth be told, every time I see/hear that annoying "Can you hear me now?" guy, I just want to punch him (not that I ever would, honest!).

I think I've said it before, but I'll say it again, because some companies apparently can't hear me or us. I'd like free money as much as the next person, but if you are selling a service, chances are you need to provide it. If you are going to place limits on your service, don't advertise it as unlimited, or at least be honest and admit that the company, not the paying customers, benefits from the lack of limitations. It's called truth-in-advertising. Listen up! One day, your customers are going to have what they pay for, but if you don't shape up, you will find they are paying someone else for it.

To my fellow consumers, I exhort you to make sure companies provide what you pay for. If they do not hear your voices and read your letters, do not let them spend your money!

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